I haven't made it a secret that this November I'll be voting Democratic for the first time in my 80 years. Biden is right, Trump has turned the presidency into a reality show with him as the star. He has been disconnected and out of touch with the real issues he should be dealing with from day one. And the killer is I don't think he knows it. I think he really believes that he's doing a heroic job at saving the country from destruction...that he views himself as some sort of savior. I don't claim to be an expert on the political scene, but I am not aware of one single accomplishment Trump could point to, either nationally or internationally that he could say is a hallmark of his administration. In my view the opposite is true. He has done more to divide and antagonize on the national and international stage than any president in history. His complete mishandling of the Covid situation, mostly due to his wanting to call all the shots is going to occupy many pages of history books in the future.
I will not be voting for Biden. I will be voting against Trump. I don't relish the thought of a Democrat in office, but I think Biden is intelligent enough to form policies based on reasonable judgement, and to be consistent in the application of those policies, none of which we have seen from Trump.
I am disappointed that Biden chose Harris over Rice. I think Rice has more experience on a wider scope and would tend to view us as a total population, whereas Harris seems to me to have tunnel vision slanted to minorities. If I'm right I hope her influence will not be too great on Biden, if he wins the election. Most of my friends and acquaintances don't agree with my position. Their thinking seems to be that though Trump is not a great president, at least we have a conservative in office who is fending off the left. I don't see it that way. In my view he has hurt the conservative position badly. He's done more to unite the liberal factions than they could ever have done themselves. He's given them a banner to march under.
It seems to me that as the election gets closer Trump has toned down his foolish behavior and utterances, probably with the advice of his campaign advisers and in response to the negative polls. And that worries me. If he continues to keep quiet, and if there is progress made toward a Covid vaccine, which Trump would take credit for, my fear is that we'll forget his ineptitude and elect him again.
I don't know if the White House has a presidential playground, but if Trump is reelected and there is a presidential playground with a sandbox, that sandbox is where he aught to serve the next four years. It would suit his style and ability.