Sunday, May 31, 2020

"A Nation Furious at Injustice"

Joe Biden implores "a nation furious with injustice" over the George Floyd killing to restrain ourselves. I am not furious with injustice. I would bet that 90% of the population is not furious with injustice. Based on what I saw the cop used excessive force. He has been arrested and charged with murder. In a nation of laws this is called justice. What Biden's statement is intended to do is to get the black vote by showing his outrage at a black being murdered.

There is a percentage of our population that defines justice as the opportunity to give rise to their animal nature; to use the George Floyd incidents to burn businesses and public property and to steal whatever they can get their hands on. And when they've crawled back into whatever hole they came from after setting fire to a police car, and admiring the televisions and microwaves and what ever else they've looted, do you think they will discuss how they have fairly meted out justice? How they have righted the wrong done to George Floyd? No...the discussion will be how to convert their loot to cash. And maybe hoping that there will be more riots of indignation tonight so that more looting and destruction of property can be done.

Will the nation be furious with injustice tonight when hundreds of blacks shoot each other over gang wars, or drug deals gone bad, or mess'n with someone else's girl? Will the black leaders like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson shout indignantly that "...this has got to stop?" They will if a white guy was the shooter. But you won't hear a word from them if it was just blacks involved. What  hypocrisy...what ignorance.

Cops in this country have a thankless task. They deal with the dregs of society every day and night. It must take superhuman restraint to do their job impassively in the face of the atrocities they see. Occasionally some can't exercise that restraint, resulting in a George Floyd or Rodney King incident. A case could be made that the cop was just as much a victim as Floyd was; a victim of decades of years trying to enforce laws among a population that has no regard for laws or decency.

What remains of the 'American culture' still has a place for those willing to assimilate, to abide by laws, to contribute to society, to respect and display human decency. Sadly, I am no longer naive enough to believe that will happen.  

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