Tuesday, July 21, 2020

No Shoes, No Shirt, No Mask...No Service

I don't like to walk barefoot. I don't want to risk stepping on broken glass, sharp stones or creepy-crawly things. As a kid I went without a shirt if my buddies did, but stopped doing that when I developed vitiligo, a disease where the skin looses its pigment cells. People with vitiligo don't tan in the sun, they burn, and quickly. But because I don't do it doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to go barefoot or shirtless into any store or restaurant if I want to. I am a American citizen with constitutional rights that are being violated. 

I am considering creating a website for the purpose of organizing boycotts and protests against all businesses and public facilities that prohibit entry for not wearing shoes or shirts. And while I'm at it, how about protesting the mandatory wearing of seat belts, or no driving while drunk, or no texting while driving. Sure, those last three save lives, but to make them mandatory is an infringement on my constitutional rights. This is America and I should be able to make my own choices, whether my choices endanger my own life or others.

And don't even get me started on being forced to stop at red lights at intersections under the threat of being pulled over by jack-booted thugs wearing police uniforms. If I want to blow through a red light it should be my choice. 

Too many of my rights have already been taken away, and now I'm being told that in some locations I have to wear a mask or face a fine or even jail time. And every day more businesses are prohibiting entry without a mask. And for what?....based on emerging statistical evidence, experience and opinions of medical experts and institutions? Hah! Who cares what some nerdy scientists and researches at places like Harvard and John Hopkins Medical Universities say? Even if they're right...that wearing a mask does help to prevent transmission of the virus, I'll take care of myself thank you. I don't need white coated so called experts telling me what's good for me. As for me possibly passing the virus on to other people, I say let them look out for themselves. 

And another thing. If some pharmaceutical company comes up with a vaccine that supposedly kills the virus, I'm not going to take it. Any supposed 'vaccine' will actually be either a secret formula designed to take control over our minds by some foreign government or our own, or simply a placebo cash cow for the drug industry and corrupt politicians. And if you don't believe me, just ask any conspiracy theorist.

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