Wednesday, September 30, 2020

America is Calling...Someone Please Answer

In a previous post I referred to presidential debates as beauty contests. I was wrong, at least about the first debate last night. It was an 'ugly' contest. Trump was his typically brash, loose cannon dogmatic self only more so, and Biden showcased his milquetoast self though trying hard to appear assertive. The moderator, Chris Wallace was notable for nothing, least of all the ability to moderate; to take control of the run-away circus. That he was intimidated by Trump, as was Biden was apparent. There were no stands on issues clarified nor was anything of substance said, unless one defines personal attacks on family members as being substantive. Viewers looking for clarity regarding plans to deal with the important issues facing us today had to come away empty. 

One veteran commentator said immediately following the debate that this was the worst debate he had ever witnessed. Another said that any foreign viewers watching the debate had to have been confused and embarrassed for the United States. I can relate to that. It angered and embarrassed me. Are these two people representative of the best that America has to offer to a country and a world that is struggling and looking for direction? I don't see how we could do any worse by electing Curly, Moe or Larry. 

But, American politics being what it is, Republicans are elated with Trump's performance and are claiming victory, while Democrats are delighted that Trump's boorishness further tarnished his image and, as they see it that Biden emerged as the people's hope. Regarding personal beliefs and preferences, we always see what we want to see.

It's going to be a long four years.

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