Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Shining Example

I've been avoiding political commentary lately mostly because I'm tired of the inane ads coming from both sides and the baseless rhetoric from all candidates. I'm at a point where I just want it over with...let the chips fall where they may. But Trump's comment yesterday riled me. I've grown accustomed to his downplaying the Covid virus and saying that we're rounding the corner as we approach one-quarter million people dead, but his reviving an old conspiracy theory (see my post "If you can't back it up don't say it"), with the words he used is way over the line. He said:

 "Our doctors get more money if someone dies from Covid. You know that, right? I mean our doctors are very smart people. So what they do is they say 'I'm sorry but everybody dies of Covid' ". Trump said that, without citing any evidence at a rally in Waterford Township, Michigan.

He didn't say some doctors or a few doctors, his statement was all inclusive...that all doctors are dishonest. By association that must include nurses, technicians and hospital administrators as co-conspirators, because a doctor couldn't get away with it by him/her self. What an incredibly stupid thing to say! But that's what Trump does...he says stupid things.

If you were a parent and your child came home from school complaining about 'crazy Nancy' or 'flaky Freddy' or 'weird William', and dismissed his/her teacher as an idiot or as a disaster, wouldn't you as a parent step in and discourage such behavior? Right now the child has the President of the United States to point to as a model; as justification for obnoxious and irrational behavior. Trump does that daily. And now he not only ignores and denigrates the advice and opinions of nearly every legitimate medical authority, he calls the doctors crooks. If those actions aren't indicators of his maturity and intelligence levels, than what in the world would be? Look up counterfactual thinking, cognitive dissonance, denialism...Trump could be the poster boy for all of them. 

And yet somewhere around half of the voters in this country will vote for him. That thought alone is enough to blow my mind, but if the unthinkable happens and he is reelected, well, I won't have enough margarita mix on hand deal with it. 

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